Tuesday, June 10, 2008

San Juan, Honduras

San Juan is a tiny pueblo near Gracias. To get to San Juan we had to find a specific guest house in Gracias and talk to a certain lady wh showed us a book that explained what to do and where to stay in San Juan. From there we had to catch a series of collectivos and find another lady in San Juan to arrange a place to stay and a guide. But its all part of the adventure right?
One of the places we visited in San Juan was a local family that hand made bricks for houses. An average Hondurean house takes 5000 bricks. Each one made by hand.
First you have to break up the clay
the you have to put the clay in the mold (4 at a time)

you let them dry in the sun

After they are cooked for 10 hours in an oven the yare ready to be made into a house. they use handmade tools to transport them also.
We got a rare opportunity to take a horseback ride to the Enchanted Canyon

We took a dip here, this was no hot spring water, this was COLD!!! But refreshing on the hot day!

Standing over the enchanted canyon

The Enchanted Canyon

we hiked into tha canyon to eat lunch. and washed off in the water fall.

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