Wow It has been a while since we posted anything. We have been settled in to our new place for 3 months and things couln't be better. We work for the coolest office in CONANP and for the coolest boss, probably coolest in the world. We are having a great time out here in cowboy country and working on some really great projects.
One of our main projects is working with the monitoring department to create habitat for and protect a species of Axolotls (Ah-ho-lo-til) which is a special species of salamander. we are currently in the process of identifying the species. Once identified, we will rebuild its habitat and create an informal education program on site to teach people aboutthe importance of conserving species.
Another project we are working on is helping the small, marginalized communities promote and enhance their ecotourism activities. Many of the peopel who have tourism operations ahve never left their area. We have one project in a community of about 200 peopel called Vergel (Ver-hell). Which is lead by a very charasmatic Dona Lupe. Who is actually divorced and living with her new boyfriend (divorce in small-town Mexico is virtually unheard of and a good way to become a pariah - and her ex-husband has to get food from her store - the only one in town!)
Here we are following Harold on one of the guided hikes offered by the community. He pointed out several medicinal plants all of which are good for your kidneys. Actually almost every medicinal plant I have found, when made into a tea is good for your kidneys. My theory is that when you drink a lot of tea, its the water that benefits you more than the tea actually does.
We wound our way through the forest and came up into a passageway in the rocks onto a rock outcropping called "La Ventana" (the window).
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