Monday, November 12, 2007

Has it really been a year?!

Well, it has been one year since we were officially married (we had 6 years practice before that) and alot of kick ass stuff has happened in that time. Different climate, different country, different language, different everything, except we are still rockin' together better than ever! I wonder what the next year will bring?, whatever it is we're up for it!

Top: 1 year on, Barra Zacapulco, MX
Bottom: Wedding Day, Blue Muscle Cabin, AK


MightyWapiti said...

Congratulations. It is great to see that while everything around you is changing, you two are still together. I am happy for the two of you!!

MightyWapiti said...

Congratulations. It is great to see that while everything around you is changing, you two are still together. I am happy for the two of you!! Enjoy the sun for us Northwesterners cause it is gettin cold up in these parts.