Friday, July 27, 2007

Lagunas de Montebello

This is the park that I work in, Parque Nacional Lagunas de Montebello. Its in the southern part of Chiapas and sits right on the boarder of Guatemala. There are 50 lakes within the park, they are pretty incredible because they are all different colors. None of these pictures have been altered the lakes are these actual colors! Everything from bright royal blue to turquoise to green. The really cool thing is that when you get close the water is totally clear. these are very healthy lakes. My project is to write a public use plan for the park. I have a lot of work ahead of me!!
Laguna aquatina
Angel and I on the Mexico-Guatemala boarder - the kids here told us these boarder markers were made by the Myans. Something tells me they were mistaken...
Lago Internacional - This lake sits right o nthe boarder of Mexico-Guatemala - hence the name

A donkey in Guatemala at Lago Internacional - donkeys even in Guatemala
Cinco Lagos (5 lakes)

Cinco Lagos look closely there is a traditional style raft on the lake. Made only of logs and rope.
Travis and Angel at Cinco Lagos
Its amazing what you can find under pieces of wood on the ground

1 comment:

Rodrigo G. Reyes said...

Eventhough I see you guys living in a very mexican way, I can't believe it!
It seems you're having a great time except for the fever. It's good to hear from you.